1. Alle Prese Con Una Verde Milonga
2. L'Ultima Donna
3. Blue Haways
4. La Vera Musica
5. Via Con Me
6. Madeleine
7. Un' Altra Vita
8. Boogie
9. Parigi
10. Pretend

RCA, 1981


"...It defines much of what is now immediately recognisable as Conte's own style, particularly as would emerge from his ever more frequent live performances. Apart from carrying over much of the instrumentation and refined musicality of the previous record, Conte's own arrangements give noticeably more space to the jazz element, even if still a vague and distant font of inspiration; good examples are the brassy dance hall reminiscences and boogie piano of Boogie, or the vibraphone break of Via con me. Songs such as these, but equally Blue haways or Pretend, also identify in their lyrics the more definite emergence of a further Conte hallmark: escapist exoticism and the evocation of legendary myths and eras. Though visible previously, they are from here on confirmed as a major trait. Similarly the Latin-American influences, already present in the song Sudamerica, are in this album reconfirmed, again as a far-off reference, in both the music and lyrics of Alle prese con una verde milonga...." (The full review will be made available in the equivalent section of the members' area, click here for more information on joining.)

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